Overflow Coffee Bar and Gumbo Media teamed up for Black Coffee, Black Words, an amazing evening of black education, celebration, empowerment, and reflection to celebrate Black History Month.

BlackCoffee, BlackWords, was an amazing evening of black education, celebration, empowerment, and reflection! OverflowCoffeeBar teamed up with Gumbo Media to host an event that honored the words of well known black authors over a cup of coffee and conversation. Throughout the evening, 14 selected readers shared incredible selections from titles such as, How the Caged Bird Sings, by Maya Angelou, Between the World and Me, by Ta-Nehisi Coates, and The Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison, just to name a few. (For Entrenuity's list of recommended reading by Black authors, click here.) Many people were moved to tears and reflection and brought to a greater appreciation and respect for the words of each other. During the intermission, audience members were encouraged to share their thoughts on the readings. One woman shared how she identified with one of the readings that addressed the false narrative society portrays that black people in certain spaces are less competent.
Jasmine Sims, poet and host for the evening, closed the night with an original poem, titled “Still Here,” highlighting the resilience and strength black people possess and their right to belong in spaces in society and thrive, excel, and set standards for excellence. Go follow @overflowcoffeebar and @gumbomedia for upcoming events like this one!