Black + Evangelical Documentary Screening

B+E Documentary Thumbnail-1

Thursday | April 24, 2025
Doors Open 6 PM  |  Film at 6:30 PM
1449 S Michigan Ave | Chicago, IL 60605
(light refreshments provided)

Entrenuity invites you to a special screening of Black + Evangelical, a compelling, feature-length documentary that explores the history, struggles, and contributions of African American evangelicals.

Taking us to the crossroads of faith and racial identity, Black + Evangelical is filled with candid interviews and eye-opening portraits of the resilient men and women who find themselves straddling the often clashing worlds of Black and white evangelicalism in America.
Black + Evangelical challenges us to hear anew the voices of these men and women whose unique theological and social journeys have much to say about challenges faced by today’s church.


Panel discussion with special guests:





Dr. Vincent Bacote is an internationally recognized scholar, speaker, and author, as well as Professor of Theology and Director of the Center for Applied Christian Ethics at Wheaton College (IL). He is the Narrator and co-creator of the Black + Evangelical Documentary. LinkedIn




Edward Gilbreath is an award-winning editor, journalist, and author. He has served as the executive director of communications for the Evangelical Covenant Church, an editor of numerous magazines at Christianity Today (CT), the founding editor of Urban Ministries Inc.’s, and an executive editor at InterVarsity Press. He most recently served as CT's vice president of strategic partnerships. LinkedIn

*additional panel guests to be announced

Created by CACE and CT with Long Winter Media.





CT Black on White




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