Entrenuity's second coffee shop, The Common Cup, gets a new look and a new logo.

The Common Cup has been a staple in the Rogers Park neighborhood for over 12 years and in November 2019 became Entrenuity’s SECOND coffee shop location.
Longtime Entrenuity friends--Common Cup founders, John and Ruth Hoekwater--entrusted their cafe into the capable hands of Entrenuity, led by L. Brian Jenkins. Entrenuity's Coffee Division is directed by Kari Pendleton, a coffee professional with over ten years experience in the industry. John Pendleton, also a coffee professional and Kari's husband, joined the Entrenuity team at that time as Common Cup's full-time manager.
Kari and John have successfully led Common Cup through the transition in ownership, updated the space physically, increased the shop's social media presence, enlisted the help of a Black designer to give Common Cup a new logo, and made sure their team safely served great coffee to the community throughout the Pandemic.
Common Cup recently hired three new baristas and is now selling our own coffee blend roasted by our own Kari Pendleton right here in Chicago in partnership with Metric Coffee. More news on that later!
John and Kari Pendleton enjoy a photo break outside the Common Cup.