Participants in the March Lead to Change Facilitator Training learned how to facilitate the fun and highly interactive Business Simulation Game to teach entrepreneurship principals in a class setting.

March 7-9, 2017, Entrenuity trained 8 adult instructors to guide new and potential entrepreneurs, particularly returning citizens, through the business planning process using the StartingUp Now curriculum. Participants learned how to operate an 8-16 week StartingUp Now course for the clients they serve, including facilitation of the fun and highly interactive Business Simulation Game.
Participants said: “I thoroughly enjoyed the training and learned so much that I did not know. I am convinced that the training, coupled with necessary funding and mentoring support is surely a way to reduce recidivism among formerly incarcerated individuals.” ~Eilleen Rollerson, Westlawn Gospel Chapel
“StartingUp Now Lead to Change Curriculum can be very impactfull in decreasing recidivism as it provides a foundational yet executable tools and knowledge to start and run a sustainable business.” ~Duane Wilson, Goodcity Chicago
One of our community's greatest needs is support for returning residents. These brothers and sisters have many needs, including a need to re-acclimate to society, a need for housing, a need to acquaint with family, and a need for jobs! There are a few agencies in our community addressing such needs, but it is not enough … StartingUp Now allows neighbors (returning and local) to walk side-by-side, creating wealth-earning, community-giving organizations that help to address some of our community's greatest challenges.” ~Christine James, Greater Southwest Development Corporation
It is our firm belief that by providing relevant tools, training and resources, especially for those struggling to find traditional employment or likely to be underemployed, we can make lasting economic change that reduces recidivism, and leads to both family and community stability. We must lead to change!