Moxe Summer Workshop Series - Update
June has been an incredible month of learning and growth for Mox.E members and guests through the Mox.E Summer Workshop Series.

June has been an incredible month of learning and growth for Mox.E members and guests.
On June 7th, Christy Kern of Peregrine Consulting taught a workshop to participants on how to craft a story around their company's narrative. The Storybrand method helps companies gain clarity on their messaging in order to effectively communicate to their target audience. Guests completed a story brand narrative for their companies and practiced how to tell their stories in an engaging way.
On June 21st, Brittany Applegate, founder of Brand Chicago, delivered a content packed, brand strategy bootcamp to a sold out audience. Participants learned how to identify their most valuable audience and how to effectively engage that audience through the correct language and channels, and much more!
July includes two more Moxe Workshops for your growth and development, which can be found on the Events page of the Entrenuity website.
Stay tuned for our Fall Workshop Series to continue growing and developing help your business.