Sweet Spot
Angelique Warner, Founder of Nurse 'N Go, seen here at the recent MommyCon conference in Chicago, demonstrating how to wear her hands-free, breast-feeding baby carrier, shares words of wisdom regarding life and work balance.

There is a "sweet spot" to a successful life/work balance—a fine line integrated throughout all of life—and I’d like to SPER you on toward how to discover it.
- Spiritual Awareness
- Physical Health
- Emotional Stability
- Relational Well-being
If one's goal in life is to live with purpose, on purpose, then balance must be obtained. Balance is the sustenance of a life lived with purpose. Stress is an indicator that balance is off-kilter.
Spiritual awareness and being fully present in each moment allows for an awakened quiet space. It is in this quiet space where we hear beyond our hearing, see beyond our sight, and sense beyond our senses. It is here where we are sensitive to the Spirit. We are led and guided through the intricacies of life to fulfill the purpose for which we were born. If we would only dare to remain vulnerable enough to trust the Spirit within to navigate us to our “yet to be,” then we would achieve that ever-coveted balance.
Physical health is imperative to balance. When we eat well, stay active, and rest well, our bodies perform well. Our minds are sharper, our focus is laser, our ideas are clearer, and our outlook is brighter. Ask yourself, “Do I eat real food?” How do you know? If you can't pronounce it, don't eat it! Real food is living; it grows, it decays. If it can stay on the shelf for what seems like forever, then odds are it's pumped with preservatives and chemicals to keep it appearing “real." Our bodies are designed to eat, digest, and gain strength from living foods. When we have optimized the nutritional benefits from real foods, we have the energy to stay active. Moving about is not such a chore after all; keep at it and you will find it to be energy giving. Rest is also important. The National Sleep Foundation reports on the "sleep needs spectrum" that adults 18-64 years of age need between 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Work schedules and stress are lifestyle factors that affect the quality and quantity of our sleep. Where are you on the "sleep needs spectrum”?
Relational well-being is an art never to be lost. We are all inter-connected as spiritual beings experiencing a natural journey. Call a friend. Tell a loved one, "I love you." Help a stranger. Be kind. Never forget the "Golden Rule"; treat others as you want to be treated. Remember, it's never about the destination, it's all about the journey! We were not created as islands, so who's enjoying the journey with you? Be courageous enough to open up to healthy relationships and just as courageous to let unhealthy ones go.
At the end of the day, we all want to be loved, heard, appreciated, and healthy. We want to experience life to the fullest. So, get on the road to a healthy, balanced life filled with purpose. Find that sweet spot!
~Angelique Warner, Nurse 'N Go