Learn Entrepreneurship principles With StartingUp Now TOOLS & RESOURCES
StartingUp Now: 24 Steps is a step-by-step tactical guide to creating a business plan for new entrepreneurs, employing elements of today’s texting culture to communicate essential business principles necessary for starting and operating a profitable company.
Each step leads the entrepreneur through memorable abbreviations, informative definitions, useful examples, and constructive prompts to develop a business plan on the included StartingUp Now Business Plan template.
The SUN Suite software is a collection of business planning and financial apps designed , also accessible through the SUN Books app in SUN Suite.
1.5 day high energy, group-based workshop using the PSA model to explore business startup principles. Designed for 30 people.
Includes the Business Simulation Game: by assuming the role of manufacturers and retailers, participants learn small business dynamics in a fun, team-based, competitive format.

Entrenuity provides entrepreneurship training and resources for entrepreneurs, founders, business owners, community organizations, educators, students, nonprofit leaders, and returning citizens.
Entrenuity offers workshops, training, business coaching, and other resources to unleash entrepreneurial talent!
Click below to see what's being planned for 2024.

Facilitator Training
The StartingUp Now Facilitator Training is designed to train individuals to facilitate entrepreneurship education using StartingUp Now tools and resources, including SUN Suite and the Business Simulation Game.
Using principles from StartingUp Now: 24 Steps, you’ll learn to facilitate creating a business plan and receive training to teach tactical business strategies to others. The program will demystify the intricacies of business planning to engage, positively impact, and encourage those in your organization to thrive.

The training includes the following to prepare you to facilitate entrepreneurship using the STARTINGUP NOW tools and resources.
- Hands-on training with a StartingUp Now (SUN) Master Trainer, including practical experience in small business dynamics via the SUN Business Simulation Game.
- 1 copy of StartingUp Now: 24 Steps to Launch Your Own Business Workbook.
- 1 copy of StartingUp Now: 24 Steps to Launch Your Own Business Facilitator Guide.
- Access/training for SUN Suite web-based business planning apps.
- 1 - annual subscription to the SUN Suite Facilitator Bundle.
- Opportunity to learn more about the SUN Suite Program Planner app and purchase.
- Opportunity to purchase your own copy of the SUN Business Simulation Game.
- Access to additional Facilitator resources.