Entrepreneurial Success Stories | Entrenuity

Beth Santos and Wanderful

Written by Sample HubSpot User | Mar 27, 2020 12:27:00 PM

Women make 80% of travel decisions. 2 out of every 3 travelers are female. 11% of the entire travel market is occupied by the solo female traveler. And yet, women’s travel is consistently considered a niche in the travel industry, which fails to consider real concerns women face when traveling, especially alone: cultural nuances and gender norms, safety, the female body.

But what if women could guide each other, in real time, wherever they are around the world? That’s the premise of Wanderful, an international sisterhood of women of diverse ages and background who meet online and in person to help one another travel the world.

Wanderful Founder, Beth Santos, started a personal blog in 2009 when she couldn’t find substantial resources for women who were traveling alone. That blog grew into a global community of women travelers dedicated to helping each other. In 2015, Beth rebranded as Wanderful–which has exploded into a global lifestyle brand with the active participation of over 40,000 women and nonbinary people whose mission is to make travel easier for women by connecting them to their greatest asset: each other.

Wanderful's mission is accomplished through: 

Beth isn’t just making travel easier for women. She’s changing the way the entire travel industry operates!


For more stories about women who broke travel barriers and made history:   CLICK HERE


Article contributions from bethsantos.com, sheswanderful.com and Forbes.