Chicago Loop Cleaners (CLC) is a high-end luxury house-keeping service that not only brings peace and rest to homes in downtown Chicago, but is also doing its part to participate in the economic development of Chicago's marginalized neighborhoods.
Emily Taylor is the founder and owner of Chicago Loop Cleaners. She began her housecleaning career in Colorado when she decided that she needed to look for work that was more meaningful. While working for the Everyday Task Company in Colorado Springs, Emily had the privilege of not only learning to clean, but to run a business, as well. She was involved in the marketing, sales, hiring, and training processes at ETC. When she left to start Chicago Loop Cleaners, she left with the blessing of the owners of ETC. Housecleaning is much more than a job to Emily. Her passion is to see other peoples’ lives improve. Cleaning is a unique way of doing just that, and Emily is most excited about giving people “space” in their lives. Emily finds her work as a cleaner so enjoyable that she often doesn’t even feel like she’s at work!
Emily always knew she wanted to use the business to teach people professional and personal life-skills, but it wasn’t until mid-2016 that she was really able to solidify what that would mean in her company. Now CLC is launching a year-long training program that will enable all employees to identify their vision for their own life and to develop professional and interpersonal skills that will make them highly desirable for future jobs. The first 3 months will teach the team members professionalism and cleaning skills. The next 6 months will focus on personal development. This will include training on self-esteem, life visioning, goal setting, conflict management, nutrition, and financial education. In the final months of the year, team members will be able to identify the direction they want to take their careers by using those skills within the company. While still cleaning, they will have opportunities to become more involved with social media marketing, blog writing, sales, management, employee training, accounting, and other career-building skills
CLC plans to hire 4 new employees this year and put them through a full internship program that not only involves becoming a highly skilled house cleaner, but will also put them on a path of professional and personal development, so that they can take the next step of success in their lives. If our communities are developed, then we all win.